A More Balanced Treatment Of In addition to reading the story at the link to the Washington Times article "Is Amtrak Off Track?", I strongly suggest that you also read the postings at the other two links provided below. Despite what the Washington Time's article will have you be believe, Amtrak has been living off crumbs compared to the amount of public tax money spent on transportation in this nation for the last 30 years. While it is true that Amtrak does come to congress with its tin cup each year, the highway and airline industry come to congress with trucks to carry away their share of the public dole!
If you are moved by the disparity in treatment toward rail passenger service by the congress, now is the time to take action before what little passenger rail service remaining in our nation is totally abolished. There is a rift in the rail passenger advocacy community about the appropriate solution to this problem. Some believe that we need to increase financial support to Amtrak and expand it to further serve the rail passenger needs of the nation, something that is not being done right now by our current skeletal system. Others believe that an entirely new approach outside of Amtrak needs to be tried in order to provide for the rail passenger needs of this nation. However, both groups are in unison in the main concept: that rail passenger service needs to be greatly expanded and that congress needs to act to facilitate this growth. Congress needs to be educated about the imbalanced treatment that rail passenger service receives and you need to tell them of your desire for additional financial support for passenger rail service in this nation.
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