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Due to planned abandonment of tracks on a segment of this route by the BNSF railroad, an alternate route is being considered for
this train which could end service to a number of towns along the route. Such a change would also terminate travel over some of the most
historic and scenic rails. These changes are a topic of hot debate by the towns and states that could lose service, by the towns and
states where the train would be re-routed, and by both train enthusiasts and passengers who rely on travel by the
Amtrak Southwest Chief®. News items related to the proposed route change as well as all other news related to the
Amtrak Southwest Chief® will be posted to the
Facebook Southwest Chief Page. Please LIKE this page on Facebook
and join the discussion!
Note: Southwest Chief® is a Registered Trademark of the National Rail Passenger Corporation (NRPC / Amtrak®).
Please click here for information regarding use of the
SOUTHWESTCHIEF.COM domain name by TrainWeb LLC.
Amtrak Southwest Chief® Photo couresy of Carl Morrison
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