The Overland Trail public and private charter runs were composed of historic rail passenger cars from the post-war Streamliner era. Both were built in 1949 as part of large orders for new equipment to replace worn out cars from the war effort. They are a unique and historic display of the elegance and class which railroading once stood for. Both of these noble giants (each 85' long, 13' tall, 10' wide) faithfully traversed the continent, uniting East and West, carrying a myriad of happy and content passengers while in their charge. The lounge car was the heart and soul of the train, a luxurious gathering point where one could sit back amongst friends and enjoy spectacular scenery racing past large picture windows, all the while, enjoying your favorite beverage. Music would play in the background, creating an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement which was shared by all. Fast forward to the New Millenium - they say, "some things never change" ...