Passenger Train Accommodations, including photographs and detailed descriptions of seats, rooms, train cars and services on the American Oriend Express.
Actually, all I have so far is some photographs of the outside of the train since I have not as yet traveled on the American Orient Express.
The first time I had ever seen the American Orient Express was in Riverside, California at the Orange Blossom Fair. I was near the Riverside Metrolink station when this train came roaring through the station at high speed being pulled by an Amtrak locomotive heading west for Los Angeles. I think that was in the Spring of 1996.
The next time I saw the train was when I was in the station in Denver, Colorado. That is when I took 6 of the above pictures. I saw the train again later in the year in the Los Angeles Union Station when I was taking a trip on the Flexliner during the Flexliner two-week tour of Southern California. The last two photos were taken out the window of the Flexliner as the Flexliner pulled out of Los Angeles Union Station.
I saw the American Orient Express again in a fenced siding in the Los Angeles rail yard. There was a person in the fenced area with the train which I took to either be a security guard or some staff member of the American Orient Express company.
When I was in the Jack London Square Amtrak Station in Oakland, California waiting for the southbound San Juaquin, I found the American Orient Express again! This time it was blocking the way for me to get to my train and I had to wait for it to pull out. It did give me the opportunity to take a number of close-up photographs.